It’s The Quiet And Still Breath That I Forget

Archive:  May 25, 2010
I woke up this morning, unsettled and restless.  The very homeless state that I had thought I’d settled into creating a place for worry and anxiety.  I don’t know when I will be back in my home.  I don’t know where my things are, I don’t know a lot of things right now.  So when I woke up I got dressed, went out, got a cup off coffee, came back to the house I am staying at, and got back into my pajamas.  This was a way of telling myself I had the right to rest today.  To get to pen and ink, to read, to be still, to think about the weekend which was probably too full.


I thought I had a wonderful idea this weekend.  And maybe it was, maybe I’m drained or just feeling melancholic, but I decided to drive this weekend and to stop when I felt like it, to turn around when I felt like it.  To be impetuous when I felt like it.  To be alone because I felt like it.  And hopefully to find myself on the road.  Picking up pieces of me that I wanted to grasp more tightly onto.  I make a pact with myself to throw something away every time I stopped.  And in the spirit of celebrating my own life I went out and bought my first digital camera (welcome to 1997 young lady) on the way out of town and I began the long process of throwing away a lot of trash I’ve accumulated in my van over a very long period of time and worsened by the removal from my home.

The general idea was to either go to Chattanooga (which is a city that is rich in art and beauty, only 2 hours away) or to drive south on I-65 until I felt like stopping.  Having not actually stopped in Alabama for anything but a bathroom break on tour, I chose to drive south on I-65 and see where I landed.

The journey would be warm and filled with sweat.  A bit like driving to Bakersfield from Fresno, but greener and filled less with the smell of cow manure.  I no longer have air conditioning in my van, so this is a plight I have grown accustomed to in the south.  The only real downfall being that I burn more gasoline with open windows than I would with the air on.  I digress… My first stop brought me to a monument in Alabama which was erected to Space exploration.  A giant Spaceship jutting into the blue summer sky.  I stopped at the rest stop and wrote for a while, emptied trash from my van and took pictures of the spaceship.I don’t want to bore you with unnecessary details of the trip.  And I’m still trying to process what it meant or what good is going to come from it.  But essentially I ended up exploring Historic Decatur, AL and taking tons and tons of pictures.  Mostly of homes and some really cliché pictures of flowers.  Why?  Because I can.  And I needed the time to be and to inspire myself and to be adventuresome, alone, and not in Nashville.

It was a good day.  But I think it gave me a really strong sense of the physical displacement that I’ve been feeling.  I came home to 2 days of my dog being totally stressed out and sad and this simply mirrored what I was picking up in myself as well.

I woke up to this thought:  I don’t know where I’m living or when I’ll be living there.  I feel tired and stressed out, under rested and over stimulated and hungry for peace and my own bed.  Hungry for my own life to start instead of just revving my engine.  I feel as though it’s been years since I’ve moved here and I’ve spent most of my time just staring at the starter, trying to get the guts to put my key in.  Now the key is in and I’ve just been listening to the engine run.  Wondering where to go and how to get started again.  

I’ve been learning to dream again.  Giving myself permission to hope and imagine.  But what about vision for the future?  Where is my vision?  And when is my passion going to overtake my peace?  I feel tons of stillness when I take the time to write but joy is like a dripping faucet and passion is something I’m afraid to get going perhaps?  And so I end up feeling more like a I might imagine a trappist monk must feel frequently.  Stuck and generally okay with it.  Zen in the fact that I feel tons of peace where I am but it is so uneasy.  And I fear that it could lead to complacency or even more, I fear that the circumstances will not change.  That I will not receive vision, that I will come up with my own lame idea and invest my talent and energy into it for no reason.

So I am processing through my wants and my desires and giving myself permission to dream.  Hoping that passion and vision kick in.  Hoping that this zombie like state I feel mired in comes to a close.  That I will have room to breathe.  Understanding of what’s coming next and the ability to move forward without hinderance.  To cry out against the darkness as a star does in the sky.  To present myself, wholly me, and to give hope to people who have no hope.

I have decided that service may be a key in all of this.  I noticed after last week (the week of my birthday) that I was feeling empty and self-centered.  My head full of what was important to me and me being celebrated.  My own weird expectations of others taking over but only in light of my own life.  I haven’t been disconnected from the flood situation but until today I didn’t feel like I could physically handle the stress of volunteering as I was dealing with trying to clean my own mess as a result of the displacement.  But my city is suffering and maybe it’s time to not manage my own emotions and mess but instead to bless others.  Could it be possible that by volunteering at a homeless shelter I might be able to have true perspective?  I think this is probably a key to this whole process of vision.  How in the world can I expect to receive vision when I am only looking at myself?

So tomorrow I begin stepping out into the unknown of my own future and my own vision.  Stepping up, somehow, to serve and making an attempt at not looking at my own messes until there is something I can physically do with them.  Like move back into my home.  I am homeless but not without shelter.  I am being tended to.  I am being blessed.  It is so important that I pour out what I am receiving so that others may receive as well.

So that’s that.  I guess that’s my conclusion for now.  Service may or may not provide vision.  But to do what is right is right and I have to trust that the rest will fall into place in its time or I have no hope at all.

I say all this because I can not be the only person in this place.  And maybe being open with where I am will help.  Maybe it won’t.  But it’s up.  It’s present.  It’s ready.  It’s a quiet and still breath that I’m breathing but I’m still breathing.

Kat Jones



|A Flood Does Strange Things To The Heart

Archive:  May 12, 2010
I am sitting in my local cafe right now.  Feeling noisy and crazy.  Trying to quiet my head and my heart.  The buzzing of human voices sits on every fence.  Life returning to normal for most, now that the houses have been emptied, the destruction counted, the lives not lost given thanks for.  But there are still overturned hearts in every direction.  Quietly, down the street, someone is still shoveling water out of his basement, someone is still grieving over the loss they’ve incurred.


I find the quick return to normal life disturbing.  Most of the city was in shock for a week.  However, it feels as though so many of those people have decided to all-to-quickly return to the grind.  I understand why.  I am even struggling to let myself have extra room to breathe.  And I am trying to figure out this place that the city is in.  As though, “Oh my God, the destruction… what happened to our city?” has turned into, “Oh my God, I need to get back to work.  I have a tour to book, and a record to finish, and business deals to complete, and product to push, and people to hire, and…” (I am listening to one of those conversations right now) But there seems to be so much injustice in this mentality.  What about the people without homes?  Why can’t we take time off our jobs to figure out what to do with the thousands of new homeless in the city?  What of sitting in ashes on the floor with our friends and grieving with them?  I am trying to make sense of all this.

I think I was hoping that Nashville would stop and re-evaluate for a moment.  And really I am praying that this WILL happen.  I was hoping that the constant ticking of bad art/commerce would turn into a slow quiet meditation on good art and what art is.  When the unnecessary linear pounding of the pavement proves to be worthless in the long term – how will you best spend your time?  How do you heal in a way that HEALS OTHER PEOPLE?  This is the art I am interested in seeing.  I fear that instead of slowing down and re-evaluating that the city will self medicate in self-promotion, fruitless and continued self-addiction produced art.

I hope I am not being too harsh.  I am merely using my blog to process today because I have got to get it out in a public forum in order to process it through all the way.  To have conversations about it.  To be heard without being interrupted.

I am facing my own stuff today.  Looking at my life.  Fighting the temptation to hit the grindstone as a way to control all the uncontrollable things that have happened over the last week and a half.  My apartment is in the process of being torn apart and re-built.  My personal belongings are scattered all over the city.  My clothes are in plastic bags and need to be folded and organized.  My dog is even stressed out which furthers my own stress and responsibilities.  I am not complaining.  I didn’t lose anything of value.  It’s just this being uprooted so suddenly which causes me to feel stressed and a little panicked.  I miss my quiet back yard and my quiet house.

But I had settled into my life perhaps too easily and too comfortably.  Not holding my own self lightly enough.  My surroundings with loose fingers.

I was caught off-guard and in a state of trying to get back up .  So what of this flood needs to shape this season?  How to I move forward in such a way that it brings healing to the lives around me?  How do I move into a place where I can do what I believe my voice is meant for?

In all this:  I will be debuting a new song tonight @ The Family Wash called Dear Apocalypse.   It won’t be perfect but I think it is necessary.

On another note:  Next week, May 20th, is my birthday and May 19th will be my birthday show at The Family Wash.  I hope you can come out.  The flood and being temporarily homeless may be postponing any and all birthday plans so I hope that you can come out if you’re in town.

All that said… I still don’t know what to say.

Here’s the poster for the residency.  Thanks to Ricardo Alessio for the design work and Mike Conway for doing the screen printing 🙂  These will be for sale @ The Family Wash for $6.00 if you’re interested.  I am unsure of where any of my merch is right now as it has all been suddenly packed by people other than myself and put into dark dungeons around the city.  🙂

Thanks everyone for everything.  Special Thanks To : Kelly and David Landry, Audra and Justin Harvey, Mike, Patricia, and Rose Majett, Mike Conway, Megan Morrisson, Amy Hall, Joe Pagetta, Chris Autry, David Michael White, Amy Wright, Troy Daugherty, Lori Joe Bridges, Ben Harms, everyone at the Anchor who helped organize trucks etc.  I know I’m forgetting someone and it’s ripping me up… but my brain is not working correctly.  I love you all!  Thank you so much for your help!



The Flowers Are Falling Off The Trees To Make Way For New Green Leaves

Archive:  April 7, 2010
At this moment I am sitting in my writing area outside my home.  It’s a small bistro table where I have a light breakfast set up, a french press of coffee, my bird shaped sugar bowl, my books, pen, and paper.  I have started a new artist’s group with my friends to break through some creative blocks we’ve been running in to and it’s been nothing if not eventful, painful, and good.  This kind of intentional personal change usually is.  Where would we be if our friends weren’t there to let us witness those pieces of us which have needed to be abandoned be burned whole?  There may be tendrils of what dies left in the end but for the most part I think we’ll all be closer to moving forward in our lives with out shame or fear.  At least for a while.


It’s so easy just to pick up hurt from other people.  To let the things which need not have an effect have one.  To allow intangibles to creep into your daily creative life.  Until one day:  You simply can not create any more.  The words which have always been endless just stop coming the way they used to and which much less depth than they used to carry.  The music isn’t the same.  The meaning is never quite right.  It’s just not coming with the same speed or skill as is used to.  And so – I stand here.  I think I’ve stepped off the cliff to find an invisible force holding me up and I am enjoying the journey to the other side and enjoying watching myself unfold once again.

In all this new things abound.  In May I will begin a month long artist’s residency at my favorite venue in town and place of employment:  The Family Wash.  Every Wednesday, with the company of my friends and some other acts being thrown onto each weekly bill I will play some shows with some new songs.  And then, hopefully, HOPEFULLY (please God), a new record will begin to be recorded in the summer.   I am aiming at June.

You have all mostly been with me long enough to know what a wrench my father’s passing away had put in my life.  But really this time, I think I’ve come to a clearing and a place where I have the freedom to move about without hinderance.  That’s what the artist’s group is about, that’s what the residency is about, and that’s what recording a new record will be about.

There will be some songs from the Without A Sound e.p. that will be recorded with a full band on the record and there will be some new ones.  But in all this:  I am really looking forward to giving birth to a new album and moving forward in a new way.

So, those of you who pray, please pray that I will have the boldness to move forward in the openings that are created and that a way will be made for the music to be given life.  Both for you and for me.

Thanks all of you for your support.  I may be calling on you for other things in the future.  But for now I am just happy you’ve been with me through this process.

With Love –

Kat Jones


A Weird Wonderful World | Kat Jones & The Prophets

Archive:  December 15, 2009
Since last I wrote my life has changed and breathed dramatically.  It’s stretched it’s arms and opened them up to new things, unexpected, or expected and life changing.  There’s been so much to recount and remember.


In the last month I have moved out, moved in, played with a band for the first time in three years, helped one of my best friend’s welcome her son Marc into the world, helped my friends in The Sons Of Zevon with a weekend of amazing shows, and reawakened some sleeping passions that I’d allowed to remain dormant for a couple of years.  I’ve been sewing, writing, jewelry making, gluing, wounding myself whilst gluing, cutting myself whilst jewelry making, and reading.  It’s been a very very full month.

At present I am siting in my basement apartment with my friend Kacey (who is visiting from Portland, OR).  She is knitting on my couch and I am typing on my bed.  Both of us resting from a very fun jaunt through decorating on a budget for Christmas.  We are listening to WRVU and just sort of soaking in the ambiance and peace.  It’s lovely.  I love the way everything has turned out.  I couldn’t afford a Christmas tree this year so we went to the Christmas Tree Lot at 5 Points and picked up some of their scraps, bundled them together, dressed them and placed them strategically around the house, filling the house with the wonderful smell of Christmas trees and the warm feeling that the deep green brings, coupled with pretty christmas lights.  I love it.

I will be leaving and flying to Fresno, CA and southern CA on Sunday and I am really really looking forward to going home to be with my family and friends whom I haven’t seen in far too long.

It’s been a really big year as far as rebounding years is considered.  I’ve released a new record, gone on several tours, opened myself up to new experienced and I’ve received sooo much emotional healing this year that it’s been amazing to watch.   Everyone in Fresno, I look forward to seeing you!  I may not be around much and I may not be playing any official shows this time out but there are still many things planned and I will be playing a few shows around town.  I look forward to seeing you very much!!!

I hope everyone has a lovely holiday!

I guess, for the sake of saying I did something to promote the music today – You can go to to pick up cds and t-shirts.  And if you’d like to buy something the shipping is free for the rest of the year!  Merry Christmas everyone!

kat jones


The Kat Jones Christmas e.p. Now Available & 2 Fun Shows Coming Up This Thurs. & Fri.

Archive:  November 10, 2009
So – I just thought I’d let everyone know that it’s that time of year again and so I’ve put my Christmas e.p. “He’s The One I Need The Most” back up for sale in my Etsy store. I am also working on finishing a bunch of crafts so that those will be available for the Christmas season as well… I’ve got a whole box of nearly finished objects to post.  I’ll let you know when those become available.  But in the meantime you can read a full review of the e.p. by clicking on the link attached to the excerpt I posted below:


“While being short and sweet, this little 4-song EP is definitely heartwarming and delightful as well. This Christmas EP is Kat Jones’ first since her critically acclaimed debut La Rosa, La Calavera in 2004.”

A Show You Won’t Want To Miss

Also – Thursday and Friday I will be participating in a great tribute show to the 1970’s.  I will be one of the vocalists for the evening and I will also be playing a song (which is a secret) before the set begins.  I’ll also be your waitress for the evening at least one of these nights, so please come out.  🙂  I posted the press release for the show so that you can read that as well.  I look forward to seeing all of you 🙂


“The Sons Of Zevon” Reconvene to Pay Tribute to 1970

Musicians Collective Explores Year that birthed Beatles’ solo outings, Delaney and Bonnie, Black Sabbath’s Debut and More

The Sons of Zevon, a crack collective of some of Nashville’s finest rock musicians — and the Brigadoon of cover bands — will unite at The Family Wash on Thursday and Friday, November 12 and 13, at 9:00 p.m. to pay tribute to a single year: 1970. Named in honor of the first artist the group honored, the legendary songwriter Warren Zevon, The Sons of Zevon reconvene only rarely to dig into the catalogs of iconic songwriters. The band, together with a steady parade of guest vocalists, has feted Neil Young and, in a famous 2007 bid to raise money to buy the Family Wash’s beer license back, Tom Petty. But the band has never tackled the output of a single year, until now.

Much like the semi-secret society The Sons of Lee Marvin — the existence of which has never been confirmed — the set list for the show and why 1970 was chosen, is a bit mysterious.

“I can’t really explain it,” says Jamie Rubin, Family Wash owner and co-founding member of The Sons of Zevon. “There’s just something frenetic about that year. While Vietnam was reaching its lowest point, Jagger got busted for pot. The Beatles officially broke up, Janis Joplin died, Black Sabbath was born and Elvis launched a comeback. Something crazy was happening. It felt like an era was coming to an end badly, and then all this amazing music came out of the wreckage. George Harrison’s All Things Must Pass; The Beatles’ Let It Be, The Rolling Stones’ Get Yer Ya Yas Out!,From Bonnie to Delaney…it’s amazing when you think of it.

“But why that year and why right now? I’ll leave that for you to decide.”

Joining Rubin to make up the rest of the Sons of Zevon will be Sons co-founder and iconic guitarist Reeves Gabrels, Fred Eltringham, Audley Freed, Jen Gunderman, Kevin Hornback and Marc Pisapia. Guest vocalists are being kept secret at release time.

“The Sons of Zevon come together for a variety of reasons,” says Rubin. “Whatever that reason is, whether it’s to get our beer license back, or to thank the community for their gracious support during tough economic times, the nights are always celebrations. Nashville has really rallied aroundthe bar these last two months, and this feels like a good way to celebrate and say thank you.”

Reservations are recommended by calling (615) 226-6070. For more information, please visit

The Family Wash, located at 2038 Greenwood Ave., at the corner of Porter Rd., in East Nashville opened in 2002, and quickly became one of the most-respected casual-dining restaurants and music venues in Nashville. It has won several Nashville Scene “Best of” awards, has been profiled in the Scene, the City Paper, The Tennessean and the Nashville edition of Where The Locals Eat and mentioned in GQ, USA Today, the New York Times and Rolling Stone (Germany).


Well, Touring is Nothing if not Eventful

Archive:  November 9, 2009
I had this stored in my phone and thought it would be a good idea to post it.  All too often I forget to post my final tour blog.  Since returning from this tour I have still got a cough, moved from my home into a basement apartment in a different area of East Nashville, worked my butt off at my day job, my house is a bloody mess because I’m trying to make sense of the process of packing, I have played a show in The Basement in Nashville with a full band (1st time in 3 years), made a slew of new friends, and am feeling really good actually.


People to be thanked on the Tour are KJ Smith and his family, Jeanette Strole and Jeff Parks, The whole Garner Family, Insomniac Folklore, Matt Hopper, and everyone who came out to shows, hosted shows, and let us sleep on their floor or couch, or bed.  Thank you everyone!!!

Here’s that blog I promised:

October 18, 2009

I am sitting in the Nashville airport waiting for my flight to Seattle to arrive. For the first time in almost 10 years I have lost my voice because of a cold (can’t even talk to my waitress). I foresaw something like this occurring, so, I’m on vocal rest (except when I’m singing) and on a myriad of doctor prescribed drugs. I usually push my voice pretty hard when I play. This will not be the case this time :-). Michael Pritzl is emailing me tips on how to keep the show on the road and so are all my other singing friends. I remember that there is some sort of concoction that broadway stage singers use when they have a run of shows to get through (rum + sugar + ????? +????? +?????) but can’t remember the recipe. Hm…

All things considered, I am still WAY excited to be on the road and the sickness is just another adventure to walk through. I am confident that it will work out. I am supposed to do background vocals for Matt Hopper and Insomniac Folklore while I’m out. So I guess we’ll see how I fair. Those may have to fall to the wayside. ———-October 20, 2009———- This tour has been great. Part promotional trip, part getting to reconnect with friends and refill, I have enjoyed every minute. At present my friend KJ Smith (I use his full name to remove the possibility of megalomaniacal misconceptions) is driving the car out of The Dalles as we make our way to Boise, ID. This time of year in the Northwest is gorgeous and I’m enjoying the brightly changing leaves immensely. It’s been the perfect time of year to be over here. It brings up so many old memories of crashing on my friend’s floors, discovering new music through my friend Pslim, learning how to be on the road and maintain my finances and also function with a clear head when an issue comes up. It’s interesting to see how touring has inspired personal growth and maturity in myself. A picture I don’t often get to see when life is day in and day out, simply being lived or survived. Functioning in forces habit (good or bad) gives one blinders of a sort to who they are.

I am a bit sad that we won’t be heading to Salt Lake or Colorado again on this tour. But real life and the changes ahead beckon. ———–October 21, 2009———— A night of restless sleeping has made this one of those days where I realise how sick I’ve been for the last 2 weeks. I feel it fully at present. But there’s just one more day of the tour left. Back to Portland today (one of my favorite cities in the US) and then flying out of Seattle tomorrow morning to be on my feet and at work by 5pm. It’ll be good to be home for sure. But there is SOOOO much waiting for me. I feel a bit overwhelmed already. Trying not to think too much about all the things that need to get done in the next 9 days. The show last night was, well, one of those shows that just doesn’t go right.  My voice wasn’t really present at all, which caught me off guard completely as I thought I’d been feeling pretty good, and that surprise just sort of killed my confidence. We all have these shows from time to time. But we did have a great time catching up with Matt Hopper again. Talking about the future, catching up on mutual friends, getting a couple glasses of scotch and exploring Boise’s oldest bar. Boise is a fun town. Matt is someone I have known for about 10 years. We were on the same Velvet Blue Music comp and have been in contact since about then. I think we’ve both grown a lot as artists and as people since way back then and it’s fun to catch up. He’s very talented too.

Tonight will be a house show with Insomniac Folklore. I will see some of my closest and dearest friends for the last time (probably until next touring season) and then hop on a plane. I’m a bit sad about it to be honest. This tour has been a really good one to get refilled on. I will miss my friends and my favorite part of the country immensely. Looking forward to the plane trip home. That’s always a good place to prepare. I love being in the air.

The flight home was wonderful.  I love how quiet being in the air is.  An ipod and a pair of good head phones cancel out the sounds of crying babies.  I happened to get a window seat (flying Southwest means I don’t get to choose) and the most beautiful cloudy scene unfolded in front of me as I flew home.  Refilling me and giving me time to prepare for coming back to Nashville.  It was gorgeous.


Quicky NW Fall Tour Dates Announced :-)

Archive:  October 15, 2009
Here are the upcoming Northwest tour dates guys!  🙂  If anyone wants to grab Sunday, October 18th just let me know (  Otherwise hopefully I’ll see all of you out there!  I’ve got a cold and am quite hoarse.  So hopefully that will change 🙂  xo



Friday, October 16, 2009 – 8:30 pm Olympia, WA KJ’s (House Show) 7218 Timberlake Dr. SW Lacey, WA98503 $5 suggested donation All Ages

Saturday, October 17, 2009 – 8:00 pm Portland, OR Insomnia 5389 W. Baseline Rd. Hillsboro, OR 97123 (503) 601-4314 $5 donation for the tip hat when it gets passed.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009 Boise, ID Hijinx 800 W Idaho St Boise, ID 83702-5877 (208) 947-7100 $5.00

Wednesday, October 21, 2009 – Doors @ 6 The Mae’s Residence (House Show) w/ Insomniac Folklore 7425 SE 63rd Ave, Portland OR 97206 $5 donation All Ages


The New Things Abound

Archive:  October 9, 2009
Nashville is wet and rainy tonight and green and homey.  The trees are starting to turn, I am pulling out my winter wardrobe and getting ready to pull boxes out of the basement to pack my house up.


I sit in Ugly Mugs (a cafe by my present house) trying to clear my head and wrangle together the mash-up of thoughts and feelings that are bottle-necking.  I am on the cusp of a new season.  It’s obvious.  With changes in every direction.  Clear ones:  I’m moving, going on another northwest tour, getting ready to start booking shows in North and South Carolina, weekenders all over the south, and getting ready to fill some recording studio time at my friend Lij’s studio and maybe some time at my friend Joel’s studio.  Both in East Nashville.  I’m trying to get a band together and going to start taking guitar lessons again to broaden my knowledge and creativity in the instrument.  Maybe I’ll buy a new electric, a new amp, and some pedals.  I’m making new friends, loving my job at The Family Wash, and dusting old ideas off the shelf.  I don’t know where any of it goes.  I’m just trying to be obedient to what is there.

Those of you who know me well know that I’m not much of an opportunist.  I didn’t move to Nashville for music.  I’m just trying to be obedient to opportunities that come my way and to things that clearly need to happen.  There was a time when I felt it was important to push the envelope as fast as it would go but it burnt me out personally as I had no manager and no way to keep up with everything that was going on.  So first things first – I want to record a new full length.  I want to make things less complicated.  I want more deep community and more deep musical community.  AND I DON’T WANT IT FOR PRETEND.  (Nashville can be a city filled with opportunists who will use you at any turn.  It’s sad actually.  One of those things you don’t really have to worry about in a small town scene.  And regretfully I’ve had to learn a lot of this the hard way.)

I’m even thinking of selling my van in leu of a smaller, more economic tour vehicle.  However, I have deep hesitations as buying that van was one of the last things my father and I did together before he died and it’s paid off.  And I want to get out of debt.

So where do we go from here?  I’m not sure.  A lot of it is forcing itself on me.  But what of the situations that need help?  I guess I don’t know.  Hopefully I will when those opportunities arise.  And hopefully I won’t get in the way.

Love love.

kat jones


Now Is A Good Time To Announce The Fall Northwest Tour :-) | Kat Jones & The Prophets

Archive:  October 3, 2009
This seriously snuck up on me.  I’m surprised it’s already here.  But I am booking a fall tour in the northwest and need Seattle and Portland to fill… maybe Eugene?  (Hint Ryan and Meaghan)  Let’s say for the 15th to the 18th?  I’ll be in the area supporting a friend whose had surgery and we decided to throw a few tour dates on there.  There’s one booked in Olympia and one in Boise at Hijinx.


So… if you’re interested just let me know!

love you!



Johnny’s First Show, Jeff’s Last Breath | Kat Jones & The Prophets

Archive:  September 29, 2009


We are driving under a clear sky and white, puffy, gorgeous clouds.  Back to Nashville from the show at The Abbey in Memphis and listening to 69 Love Songs by Magnetic Fields. This trip has been short but filled with great ribs and great new music. Cloud (Velvet Blue Music) sent me some new records that the label put out recently and I have to say it was a pleasant gift. So we’ve been exploring the words of Doug Burr and the new Kissing Cousins and also a good friend’s band, The Knew. Very nice releases. I am happy to have received them. I may do a write up on that Doug Burr record for a new americana music blog that my friend has asked me to start writing for. The show last night was great. Adrian and Sam from Hey Kitty Kitty Productions are working really hard to strengthen the scene in Memphis (which is the kind of town where it is nearly impossible to book a show). The show yesterday (in the town where Jeff Buckley took his last breath) was in the venue where Johnny Cash played his first show ever. I have to say I was hoping to catch whatever Johnny had as I played and played the heart out of Blood Under The Redwoods in homage but I am not sure I channeled any of Johnny’s talent in the process.  I just missed a couple chords in the effort 🙂 A band called The Cactus’s closed the night and were great. I was surprised to find out that they were from Nashville but they were lovely and I’m looking forward to seeing them play again very soon. Anyways – I am on my way to Nashville right now to play a show at The Family Wash and get ready for another Northwest tour at the end of October and some Christmas shows in November. I will certainly keep you posted. Email if you like. I’m a fan of you folks. Love Love Kat

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I just wanted to quickly thank everyone who was able to make it out to the Family Wash last night to support me.  It meant a lot that you all came out.  So thanks.  And thanks to everyone who was willing to deal without a hostess after I took the stage.  You are great.  Lovies and Huggies!



A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Rest Of My Life… | Kat Jones & The Prophets

Archive:  August 29, 2009

I sit now in a van, that for supremely hilarious reasons we’ve had to hot-rod in order to get to the next venue, a music festival in Roseburg, OR. Considering the way much of this tour has gone this is my first moment to relax since the tour started. Between last minute shows, trying to get an emergency pressing of Without A Sound done (Thanks to Perry and Cat @ Braid and Tangle!), and spending quality time with friends my time has been PACKED to say the least.
—– about 3 hours later —–
I am watching Insomniac Folklore at present. Next up is Bradley Hathaway. It’s great to see Tyler (I.F.) play a show (2 in one week!) after years of watching him grow as an artist and musician, and his weird and wonderful sense of humor root deeper into who he is. It’s like a cross between Danielson and The Crash Test Dummies. So Fun.
I guess this is a reunion show of sorts as I have toured with Bradley and Tyler – each in sort of foundational periods of their musical growth at the time. They’re both like brothers and business partners at the same time. I love running into Bradley whenever our paths cross. Our tour was a period of very strong growth for me. And! It looks like he might start covering “He Loves To See Me Cry” sometimes. That’ll be fun.
———- The Next Day-Aug. 25—–
It’s been a day for sure. I picked up an opening artist for the tour, Lucas Kerper. He won’t be able to play all the dates but we’re trying to cram him onto what we can. It’s been an adventure so far for sure. I mean to say this plainly: We’re lucky we’re not both in jail. A fairly sizable run-in with a female police officer in The Dalles resulted in her threatening an arrest, our tour vehicle being impounded and me paying a stranger, Casey, to drive us up and down I-84 trying to get our car out of the impound lot and back on the road without missing the set tonight in Boise, ID @ Liquid.
I have never missed a show whilst on the road. Not for breakdown’s, flat tires, snow storms, or floods. I’m like a postman that way. So this one made me a bit nervous. But we made it. However, as one might imagine – as a result of said present “outlaw” status: we are at present more than broke. It was something I had NO control over unfortunately but, out of respect to the other parties involved I shall refrain from further details. So onto the present!

—-August 26th, 2009—-
I now sit on Matt Hopper’s porch in Boise, ID. We are listening to the Arts & Crafts sampler and enjoying the company of 1 Lucas Kerper, whom is at present trying to figure out why the tone on his pan flute it being effected. Tonight Matt and I will be enjoying The Avett Brothers at the Knitting Factory and Luke is going to be busking and performing downtown. We’ve already seen Mother Hips today. All for free!
——August 28th, 2009——
Yeah, I drove West instead of East on I-84 yesterday on the way to Salt Lake City, UT and didn’t notice until we were in Oregon again. Yeah, my bad. And we may not be allowed back in Oregon for a while (just kidding!) so I turned around, shaking my head in shame, and drove 10 hours to SLC to visit my sister and grandma on grandma’s birthday. It’s been a day of tramolining with my neices and nephews, singing Happy Birthday to grandma Jones, and catching up with my sister. My nephew came down with strep throat so here’s to hoping that doesn’t hit our little tour clunker. Tomorrow Ft. Collins!
I updated some of the Kansas City dates today so please check them out and come if you will. There are 2. We’re hitting KC hard yo! 🙂
Here’s to an uneventful drive tomorrow?
Cheers – Kat

The Tour The Tour The Tour – Summer 2009

Archive:  August 24, 2009

Here are the official tour dates… some have already passed and so I did not post them but no need to keep you in the dark!


Monday, August 24, 2009
Roseburg, OR
@ Goodbye Blue Sky Festival
w/ Insomniac Folklore & Bradley Hathaway
Riversdale Grange
4856 Garden Valley Road
$12 ADV/ $15 Door Per Day

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Boise, ID
405 S. Eighth St.
w/ Gizzard Stone

Saturday, August 29, 2009
Fort Collins, CO
Everyday Joe’s Coffeehouse
144 S. Mason St.
Zip:  80524

Monday, August 31, 2009
Denver, CO
House Show – TBA
Direct @katjonesmusic on Twitter for more information

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Kansas City, KS

The Czar Bar

1531 Grand Blvd

Kansas City, MO 64108

(816) 221-2244

Thursday, September 3, 2009
Wichitah, KS
Vertical Violet

Friday, September 4, 2009

Kansas City, MO

Prosperos Book Store

10 p.m.

1800 W 39th St

Kansas City, MO 64111-4402

(816) 531-9673

Kat Jones Poster Design Contest!!

Archive:  August 11, 2009

Hey everyone!  I have decided to have a poster design contest for the upcoming midwest and northwest tour.  It’s going to be called the “Without A Sound” tour in support of the new e.p.  So if you’re interested in designing something for it I will put the candidates up here, on myspace, and facebook and put it to a vote.  This will be a very short contest so if you’re interested in entering please submit your ideas via .  There are examples of the past tour posters on myspace and facebook also.  Yay!  let the contest begin!

OH!  the winner will get a free copy of “Without A Sound” 🙂 and credit on all my websites.


As requested:  Text for the Poster should read:  “Kat Jones.  Without A Sound.  Summer Tour 2009” or something like that business 🙂  Love you!

News And Such // July 29

Archive:  July 29, 2009

I sit in my home now, as still and quiet as it’s ever been, with candles lit around the various tables, my guitar keeping me company on the ground next to me, and my dog keeping me company in her bed.  It’s still in this place.  So full of peace.  So full of the future.  I am excited.  I am still.  I am expectant.  I am sure.

There are a lot of things to mull over this week.

Why, while my producer and his wife were out of town, did their home get robbed and completely wiped out of everything?  Like someone just moved them to another place without telling them they were moving.  Maybe they’ll get to their new home and all his instruments and recording gear, all her books and clothes, all their silverware and dishes (nothing special – just dishes of the Target persuasion), and furniture get stolen?  It’s crazy.  Maddening.  Confusing.

Why has the Internet become SO VAST that I can’t get my head around it.  There’s too much information now.  Too many dead links.  Too many ways to loose contact.  Too many details to manage.  What did make being a musician easier has almost made it crippling.  I am thinking about shutting down all my music sites (there are at least 15) and just coming to the old fashioned web site for my comfort.  We’ll see.  It’s craziness.  Just too many pages to update and keep track of.  All of them end up suffering.

What am I going to do about the practical things?  Music, relationships with family and friends, moving to a new home next month (potentially), and supporting those I love, touring, recording, continuing to write, living in general type stuff… it’s all overwhelming and manageable.  All easy and difficult.  But in a lovely way 🙂


*There is good news today.  A blog online has decided to publish a lovely little article on me and you should go and check it out 🙂


*I am booking a tour and I desperately need your help… Here are the open dates:

August 19-21st…. anywhere in Portland, OR, Olympia, WA, or Seattle, WA area
August 26-27th… Salt Lake City, UT and Provo, UT
August 28th-31st Fort Collins, Co or Denver, Co.
September 1… Omaha, NE
September 2… Kansas City, KS
September 4… Tulsa, OK
September 5… OK City, OK
If you have any ideas or any other ideas for the tour please let me know.  I would love to hear them.


August 7 2009
Nashville, TN
@ The Family Wash

August 22 2009
Camas, WA
@ Tom Fest

August 24 2009
Roseburg, OR

August 25, 2009
Boise, ID
@ Hijinx

September 3 2009
Wichitah, KS
@ Verticle Violet

So we see… yes, there are some dates to fill.  I think it’s my bedtime 🙂  Love you guys!


Standing On the Face of Something

Archive:  June 14, 2009

Shortly after my dad died (3 years ago tomorrow actually) I made a decision to grieve publicly for a while as there were no pictures of grieving floating around to give people a clear idea of what grief looks like.  I wasn’t great at being public in my grief, goodness knows I’ve tried (most of those blogs remain in my myspace page, but it appears that some grieving one must keep to themselves and lock away.  Some of it can be public, some of it must be private in order to maintain a safe environment.  But I am switching courses and this I might as well start out publicly as well and see where it takes us?

Tomorrow I will be leaving my home in Nashville for two days to enter seclusion.  It’s a brief seclusion but one must pay rent and so can not disapear for too long 🙂  During this time I will be using the anniversary of my dad’s death to grieve deeply and intentionally for one last day.  I am not saying that I won’t be sad because I miss him in the future but I am going to make my best attempt at setting my grief aside.  I have been inspired by two of my dear friends to use the next day as a day of celbration of my father and that is what I am going to do.  🙂

So, I will let you all know how it goes and I’m going to try to blog more.  I haven’t been doing it much as I needed to seperate myself from the world for a while and really walk through my grief (which was much more difficult than I had expected to be perfectly honest).  Hopefully, the future will hold a new full length and some new musical projects.  I suppose we shall find out:-)

love kat